Thursday, March 4, 2010

Avocados: How Do I know When They are Ripe?

Have you ever attempted to make something with a rock-hard avocado? Have you ever tried to make something with a mushy brown avocado? Well I have done both. Living in Texas, we eat lots and lots of avocados, so I have gotten pretty good and picking them out.

So what does a perfect avocado feel like? It feels like an orange in it's peel.
It is not rock hard and it is not mushy. It has a little give to it. If you find one that seems squishy inside, I promise you it will be brown on the inside.

I was once at the grocery story squeezing avocados and a man started squeezing some too. After a few minutes he asked, "What are we feeling for?" Poor guy, he had no idea what a good avocado should feel like. So remember it should be as firm as the outside of a juicy orange.

*If you are making a dip with it, go with a squishy one if the choice is between rock-hard and squishy. Trust me! Squishy is the lesser of two evils.

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